I’ve downloaded some software and run its setup program. Am I safe to delete the setup program?

Posted by admin on Sep 30, 2007

Usually. If it was a .ZIP file, you’re normally safe. If it was an .EXE file, make sure it’s only a setup program and not the actual program itself (in most cases, it’s only a setup program). Here’s why: The way most setup programs work is they are a “package” for the program and its associated files. It installs the program and files to where they belong then it just sits there. Taking up space. Once the installation procedure is over, you no longer need the program. But…make sure that if something happens to your computer you’ll be able to re-download the software should you need to re-install it. If there is any question about the future availability of the software, it may be a better idea to save the file to a floppy disk, zip disk, or CD-R.

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