What’s Coming Down The Tech Pipeline?

Posted by admin on Oct 18, 2007

Are you interested in what new technology is just over the horizon?  Some of these advancements have been around for a while, but are just now becoming main stream.

Quad Core CPUs – AMD and Intel both have quad-core processors in the works, and they should be on the market in early 2008.  The only thing that the two architectures have in common is the term ‘quad core’, other than that… they are completely different.  From what we can see, the AMD versions should out-perform their Intel counterparts.  Also, AMD has been known for a much cheaper price than Intel.  Let’s see what happens.

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Simple Networks

Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2007

1) Phone Line Networks – Simple to set up, and low start up cost make this network solution very popular.  This option is the slowest of all of the other types, and the “server” system has to be on all the time to share an internet connection.

2) Cat5 Networks – This solution is a little more costly and is harder to set up initially, but the superior speed and reliability more that compensates.  Sharing an internet connection can be made through a gateway (dial-up and high-speed), and adding workstations is a snap.

3) Wireless Networks – This is the newest solution to networking.  It is really simple to set up, is the most costly, and is not very secure.  Also, speed can some times be an issue.  This is the best for mobile computing devices, or areas where wiring is not possible.

4) Hybrid Networks – You can use a combination of several types of networks at one time.  The best option is to network all possible systems using the Cat5 system, and attach a wireless hub to the Cat5 hub, and link the remaining systems up with the wireless network.