
5 Ways To Keep Your I.T. Guy Away

Posted by admin on Jul 11, 2011

Why would I write an article that would make me lose business?  Well, a happy customer will be a long-term customer.  I would rather get you to spend your money on improving your equipment, than paying me to fix things you can prevent.

Rule #1 – Keep your computer free of malware and viruses.  Make sure you have a good antivirus program installed, keep it renewed & updated, and schedule a regular scan.  Sometimes you get a virus, even if you have done everything right – but at least give your computer a fighting chance.

Rule #2 – Keep your software patched.  Virtually every program – from Accounting Software to Windows – checks itself for updates.  When a program pops up a notice that there is an update – download and install it.  In most cases, these updates provide security patches and feature enhancements that will help keep your system safe.

Rule #3 – Keep your equipment clean.  Dust is public enemy number one.  Due to the nature of electronic devices, they attract dust.  Most computers have at least a few fans that move air through the system to keep it cool.  When dust builds up in the fans and heat-sinks, your system starts to run hotter, and won’t run as well.

Rule #4 – Protect your hardware. Make sure your system is plugged into a good surge protector, or better yet, a battery backup unit.  If your tower sits on the floor, consider placing it on a platform to raise it off the floor a few inches. That will help with dust control and potential water damage, as well as making the drives easier to access.   Don’t place your electronics where they could get wet, dirty or in direct sunlight.

Rule #5 – If you notice your system acting a bit strange, or you are not sure about installing a certain update, give your “computer guy” a call.  If you rely on someone to keep your systems running smoothly, then ask for their advice.  Why wait until there is a major problem, and you have time-sensitive tasks to complete?  Chances are, you can avoid a catastrophe buy keeping your I.T. guy in the loop.

If you follow these simple rules, you should be able to keep your equipment running problem-free and avoid costly emergency repairs.  Then, you can plan to invest in new and better equipment – a task your I.T. guys would prefer to help you with.

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