
A Neat Trick With Excel 97

Posted by admin on Oct 1, 2007

Believe it or not – A Flight simulator from MS Excel 97
(courtesy:Integra Microsystems, Bangalore, India)

Ever wondered why Microsoft applications seem to become slower and fatter with each new release? Apparently the constant rain in Redmond has driven Bill’s engineers to obsessive flights of fancy. Below you’ll find instructions on how to access a little flight simulator that was inexplicably hidden by precipitation-maddened programmers deep inside Excel 97.

  1. In Excel 97, open a new blank work sheet.

  2. Press F5 and type X97:L97 in the “Reference” box, then click OK.

  3. Now hit your tab key once (you should end up in cell M97).

  4. press “Ctrl” and “Shift” while clicking once on the “chart wizard” icon
    (the one at the top with the blue-yellow-red bar chart).

Welcome aboard ! After a few moments you should be flying. Steer with the mouse, accel and decel with the left and right mouse buttons respectively, and look for the monoliths with the programmer credits.You can exit the screen by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Enjoy the flight…………..

Now you know why hardware requirements for software keep going up. It’s all the games that the programmers put into them for their own amusement.

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